What I Wish I Would Have Known before I Got into Game Design with Jamey Stegmaier

Jamey Stegmaier,Kickstarter guru and designer of Scythe, and I discuss all the things he wishes someone would have told him before he got into game design, kickstarter, publishing, and more. He gives a ton of valuable advice.

For lists of games designers should play, click HERE.

For more from Jamey, check out the Stonemaier Games website.

8 comments on “What I Wish I Would Have Known before I Got into Game Design with Jamey Stegmaier

  1. Govind says:

    My wife & I stumbled upon this podcast and are really hooked.
    Enjoyed your first episode, not just because I am a fan of Jamey’s work but it was really well done for a first episode.

    1. Lemonsloth52 says:

      Govind, did you toucha my spaghett.

  2. I’m glad you found it. Thanks for listening!

  3. Marc Aplin says:

    This is awesome! What a great podcast 🙂

    1. Thanks, Marc!

  4. Ben says:

    You mentioned you had a list of games that people should play if they’re just getting into design, and that you’d leave it in the comments. Where might I find that?

    1. Oops. Sorry about that. I added the link to the show notes.

  5. patrick says:

    Great stuff! Excited to have recently discovered the site and the series.

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