Welcome to

Simple one-hour systems and group coaching to help you go pro in the gaming industry.

Board Game Design Pro gives you the resources, skills, and motivation you need to turn your games into marketable products.

The Skill Session Model

Board Game Design Pro is not a course, cohort, or online community. 

It’s a series of one-hour presentations called “skill sessions” where an expert offers their best advice on a specific topic related to designing, crowdfunding, or publishing.

If you attend the live sessions, you’ll be able to ask the expert questions, and the recordings are available to all members in an easy to navigate dashboard.

Current Skill Sessions

Here are the skill sessions that are currently available to members.
(Click each one to see a short sample)

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Play Video

Learn about the habit fields all around you and how you can manipulate them in your favor to maximize your productivity.

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Learn how to take UX principles and apply them to your board game designs.

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Play Video

Learn best practices for creating prototypes that you’ll be proud to share with playtesters.

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Play Video

Learn how to find a publisher, pitch your game, review a contract, and bring your game to market.

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Play Video

Learn the elements that make for a smash hit in crowdfunding so you fund on day 1 and reach your campaign’s maximum potential.

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Play Video

Learn how to find a developer and work with them to take your game to the next level.

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Play Video

Learn how to manage freight, customs, and fulfillment to get games from factory floor to customer door.

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Learn how to create a plan that factors in everything that affects shipping costs.

A new skill session will be added every month, and BGDP members will be able to vote on future sessions!

Coming Soon

A new skill session will be added every month, and here’s a look at the sessions already in the works.

Live Q&As

Each month, Gabe will host a live Q&A over Zoom where you can ask any question related to design, crowdfunding, and/or publishing. 
Can’t make it to the live call? Just submit your question through email and watch the recording later.

Bonus Resources

Members also receive these digital downloads:

And More!


Here’s what current members have to say:
"Absolutely love BGDP. One of the absolute best resources to improve your game design. The variety and depth of the presentations is incredible. It's been super helpful to my game design process and mindset. Thanks Gabe!"
Kendall Woffinden
"When Gabe announced that he would create Board Game Design Pro, I was super excited because that meant I could listen to industry professionals in real-time and ask any questions I had without the commitment of an entire course - even though I love a good course. Each session I have attended was informative and insightful. I am already applying the tips from the “9 Principles to Make Your Games More User Friendly” session to my game, and I'm looking forward to the future sessions!"
Lawrenberg Hanson
"I have found the course content to be practical and applicable, probably due to the diversity of professional experience represented. I am directly applying what I'm learning there to my publishing practice in real time, and I recommend BGDP to anyone wanting to do professional work in board games and tabletop."
Rob Seib
Mindfruit Games
“One of my biggest barriers in game design, and in life, is prioritizing and focusing on current tasks. Gabe's Game Design Productivity Hacks skill session, has helped me to set up habit fields to focus better and move projects along faster. I also found Making Your Game More User Friendly very helpful in removing creative jargon and focusing on ease of game play.”
Mark Brandow
"Board Game Design Pro is incredible! Had this been available before my brother and I launched our last Kickstarter we would have saved ourselves a lot of mistakes. The content sessions with experts are excellent. I had the chance to view most of the skill sessions with experts live, and have already gone back to watch the recordings a few more times. If you are just getting started in game design or have already created a few and want to take that next step to get them published I highly recommend joining Board Game Design Pro."
Hafiz Printer
Printer Ink Games

A Free Gift

Join today at the Yearly level and receive one of the following gifts absolutely free!


Component Box
*U.S. & Canada only

Coffee Mug

Sign up today!

Act now to accelarate your journey to becoming a board game design pro!

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I want the investment in this membership to be an absolute no-brainer for you, so if you decide Board Game Design Pro isn’t for you for ANY reason, just send me an email within 14 days of purchase, and I’ll happily refund your entire payment.