Lance Myxter, the Undead Viking, talks about game reviews from a lot of different angles. Lance has done over 1000 reviews and offers a lot of insight on the different ins and outs of the review world.

He does a ton of videos for Kickstarter games and gives some great advice for anyone wanting to travel down that road as well.

3 comments on “Let’s Talk Game Reviews with Lance Myxter the Undead Viking

  1. Joseph E. Pilkus III says:


    Awesome interview! I enjoyed all of it, but I had to laugh when Lance turned things around in the beginning and asked you about Honduras…that’s quite an address, my friend! Lance had mentioned on another interview that it “takes almost a decade of incredibly hard work to become an overnight success.” While I might be paraphrasing, you get the gist. I’ve always enjoyed his videos and I wish him all the best at TMG…he’ll be (as he’s been) a great asset to the company.

    Again, it’s great to hear the follow your passion sentiment by both you and those whom you interview.


  2. Rocky says:

    I really enjoyed this episode. I enjoy all of them but this was particularly timely. We are just getting to the point of manufacturing our games and will need to be getting some reviews done. I really appreciate Lane’s candor. I will of course be contacting him to see if our games are something he’d like to review. Thanks Gabe!

  3. Kristopher says:

    I’ve experienced Board Game Geek Bashing too. It seems like people that are artists are very critical about how much their art should be valued. I’ve talked with James Mathe and he told me to expect a budget of $3k – $4k for the artwork of a game. IF you’re paying $100/piece that means you can at most afford 30 – 40 pieces. Some games have HUNDREDS of cards… And don’t fit into that budget… Bottom line, I was being told that $100/piece was too little and artists are worth much more in terms of the contribution they bring to the design. Like Lance, I decided to “shut up” and just let people move on… And they did. Me commenting was “just adding wood to the fire”… So that was a very smart move by Lance (not to get involved)…

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