Julio Nazario, winner of the HABA Games design challenge, talks about game components and interesting ways to use them.

Julio has been designing some really innovative games using components in really cool ways.

5 comments on “Innovative Uses of Game Components with Julio Nazario

  1. jeremy hansuvadha says:

    I cannot find Julio’s games listed anywhere: BGG, a personal website, google search, … nothing.

    Know where I can look?

    1. gabe says:

      Check out his Twitter page: https://twitter.com/Junazaru

  2. Joe Pilkus says:


    Great conversation! He’s an exceptionally clever individual…while I don’t know if I would be attracted to a game box as a component idea (though Tiny Epic Galaxies made a Dice Tray out of the box top), he’s quite creative.


  3. Dave Snyder says:

    I saw some of his work at UnPub last month….totally unbelievable stuff! Board gaming does NOT have to be “flat” and everything he brought demonstrated that perfectly.

  4. I love it…I resonate with many of these concepts and would love to explore with a few of these mechanics myself.

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