Jackson Pope, founder of Eurydice Games, talks about designing and putting together hand made games.

Jackson has been hand crafting and selling his games for years and has a ton of insight on the topic.

You can find the episode HERE.

3 comments on “Designing Hand Crafted Games with Jackson Pope

  1. Alex Bardy says:

    Hey Jackson – I’d recommend checking out Game Crafter because they sell stuff through their ‘store’ as well, similar to DriveThru… Friends how many cats you need fur a deck of Zombology… Lol

  2. Alex Bardy says:

    *”Depends how many cards you need for a deck of Zombology”, even…!

    Please share a link to that boxing company (in London?) — that could prove really helpful for me!

  3. Jackson Pope says:

    Hi Alex,

    I’ll check out The Game Crafter, but I didn’t get much from Drive Thru. I’m afraid I have no idea who the box maker was – I only used them once about 11 years ago!



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