Creativity and the Future of the BGDL with Gabe Barrett

Today, it’s just me on the podcast, and I’m discussing creativity, time management, and the future of the BGDL.

I’ve learned a lot of really great stuff about the creative process, and I want to share with you some of the things that have been helping me with my game designs.

And then I want to tell you about the fun and exciting things ahead for the BGDL podcast and community.

16 comments on “Creativity and the Future of the BGDL with Gabe Barrett

  1. Eddy Seager says:

    Congratulations on joining the dice tower network Gabe. I look forward to being able to back the campaign and reading the book 🙂

    1. gabe says:

      Thanks, Eddy. And thanks for being part of the BGDL community!

  2. Ben Knipstein says:

    Great message Gabe. I enjoyed it so much I sent it to my wife and friends. Keep up the great work!

    1. gabe says:

      Thanks! And I really appreciate you sharing it with others.

  3. Congrats on joining the Dice Tower Network! You deserve it after your hard work, and the BGDL is a great addition to the network, especially since the demise of Board Game University.
    Concerning this particular episode, I think the Robin Williams analogy is inappropriate. Robin didn’t commit suicide because he was chasing happiness or because all of his success couldn’t fill a void in his life. He suffered from addiction and depression most of his adult life. And he suffered from a rare brain disease which is what led to his suicide.

    1. gabe says:

      Thanks, David.

      I’ve edited out the analogy about Robin Williams. I believe the addiction and depression were related to what I was talking about, but I was unaware he had developed diffuse Lewy body dementia. I was basing my information on a talk Tony Robbins did a while back on satisfaction in life. I really appreciate you pointing out the mistake.

      1. No problemo, Gabe. Good on you for listening. 🙂

  4. Such a great episode! I’ve listened to every episode, and this is the best episode you have done!

    1. gabe says:

      Thanks, Cody! I really appreciate that.

      1. Cody Thompson says:

        And good luck with your kic… your IGG campaign! Ive never backed anything on there but may have to make an exception! And congrats on making it onto the dice tower!

        1. gabe says:

          IGG and KS aren’t too different from a backer standpoint. It would be great to have you be part of the campaign. But either way, thanks for being part of the BGDL community!

  5. That was a very special episode. The no BS part of it was fantastic but the other parts were special. It is very different to anything we normally hear, anywhere. It was more like a feeling rather than than what normally happens (understanding information).

    I will defiantly be joining indiegogo tomorrow to back you, as planned since you announced the book a while back.

    What you said about the success of our games does not define who you are and your happiness should not depend on it. That is 100% true, but it is still hard to accept it or deprogram my mind to not feel bad if there is no success for the game. Our friends and family enjoying it should be the satisfaction (thousands of years ago that is the top you could get to), but we’ve been trained since children that money/success is the measure of everything. No money is a failure and a waste of time. What you said I have no doubt is 100% true, I can see the truth, it has the power to cut through 30 years + of “programming” of living in a money bases civilization, but it will take time before I can 100% feel it.

    Thanks for the talk Gabe, and all the previous shows. I’ve learnt a lot.

    1. gabe says:

      Finding satisfaction and happiness from internal sources instead of seeking them in external sources is easily one of the most difficult things we can ever attempt to do.

      Success is so often synonymous with money or power or fame, and we often chase those things like they’re the magical pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

      But every single time, those things leave us empty. We hope they’ll satisfy us, but all they do is make us hungrier. It’s a vicious cycle that destroys a lot of people.

      It’s definitely destroyed me in the past.

      And I have to war against the world’s definition of “success” seemingly on a daily basis. I’ve had to get to a point where my absolute best IS good enough. My best might not be good enough to get the job, win the championship, or get a game published, but as long as I know it was my absolute best, I’m satisfied with it.

      I don’t know that that approach will work for you, but it’s been helping me.

      Thank you so much for listening, and for your support of the show.

      1. A. Gerald Fitz says:

        Yes it is a constant thing.

        “My best is good enough for me”, I do like that. I think I will be regularly reminding myself of that.

  6. Joseph E. Pilkus III says:


    Congrats on joining the Dice Tower Network. Along with Blue Peg, Pink Peg and the Brawling Brothers, yours is the only other show I listen to with great frequency. I absolutely love both the content and the themes which you cover. It’s an absolute joy and I honestly have never left an episode without learning something about the hobby (or quasi-profession) with which we’ve all found a passion.


    1. gabe says:

      Thanks, Joe! Becoming a member of the Network was a high honor, and I’m so glad the show continues to offer up something new even for a seasoned designer/developer like yourself.

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