Matt Leacock, designer of a little game called Pandemic, discusses how to craft the player experience.

Matt is one of the most well-known designers in the world, and he’s learned how to finely tune a game to give players the desired experience. Previously, he worked for companies like Apple and Yahoo developing UX for various products, and he’s been able to bring those ideas into the board game space.

11 comments on “Crafting the Player Experience with Matt Leacock

  1. Guz says:

    What an amazing episode! Being an experienced UX designer myself, this couldn’t resonate more with me. I just “discovered” game design and to me, it is the ultimate “user” experience you can provide, and it’s so much alike UX design but so much more “true” than, for instance, a digital product when you are trying to find out problems to solve with your product. With game crafting people are naturally engaged to “use” your product and the feedback and emotions are instant apparent!

    Great work Gabe.

    1. Thanks, Guz! I’m glad you enjoyed it.

    2. Hello my name is Carlos Murray me and my kids create a board game I would like to enter my game in the show or contest available
      my email address is thank you

  2. Andrew Peterson says:

    It might be something on my side, but I can’t get this to play (or download).

    1. That’s odd. I’m not sure why it’s not working for you. Maybe wait a bit and try again.

  3. Best board game podcast series out. Gabe you are doing an amazing job. I am going to have to listen to this episode at least twice, but I have played pandemic more than 5 fives.

    1. Thanks! I’m glad you’re enjoying the show.

  4. Tom Razo says:

    Gabe, you’re a great host and your shows are always engaging… keep doing what you’re doing.

    Thanks, Matt… really enjoyed your insights.

    1. I really appreciate that, Tom. Thanks for listening!

  5. Joseph E. Pilkus III says:


    This is a wonderful interview, especially in light of what I went through with my first published game. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions I watched the playtesting, while taking notes. Of course, it’s fascinating to see how players engage with the game after they’ve read, and more importantly, interpreted, the rules.

    I’m glad that you asked Matt the question about playing a game multiple times to “get it” which many folks use as a determination of a game’s weight. Inreality, if it takes a few times to “get it” the game is poorly designed…it’s not about the weight of the game.

    Overall, great interview and he’s a wonderfully relaxed guy to listen to during the nearly one-hour long session.


    1. Thanks, Joe!

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