Joseph Z Chen discusses catch-up mechanisms.

Joseph is a designer and indie publisher who did a fairly in-depth analysis on ways different games keep players involved until the end. We talk about several popular games and their catch-up mechanisms as well as Joseph’s personal experiences.

And don’t forget to check out Joseph’s game, Fantastic Factories, on Kickstarter HERE.

1 comment on “Catch-Up Mechanisms with Joseph Z. Chen

  1. Joseph E. Pilkus III says:


    Wonderful interview. One of the things I always caution designers about is the “run away leader” which can cause players to completely disengage from that point forward. I had a chance to talk to Eric recently from Peacemaker games about their new game Rick from up on Kickstarter next month. One of the things I like about the game is that the advisors in the game allow you to take some action giving you things earlier or more of it later in the game.

    Anyway, great discussion and clever points raised during the interview.


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